Research indicates that daily coffee consumers are less likely to die prematurely than non-coffee drinkers.
A newly published research in the Annals of Internal Medicine suggests that your regular coffee habit may help you live a longer, healthier life, even if you add sugar. Over the course of seven years, researchers from Southern Medical University in Guangzhou, China, examined data on coffee consumption and health from more than 171,000 UK residents who did not have cancer or heart disease at the beginning of the study. Previously, data revealed that coffee consumers live longer; the Chinese researchers intended to see if this is true even when sugar is added to the daily beverage. People who drank unsweetened coffee on a daily basis were 16-21 percent les likely to die throughout the trial than those who did not drink coffee. Here's another article on How Keto Diet Can Help You Lose Weight and Burn Fat? And according to the statistics, those who consumed between one and four cups of mildly sweetened coffee daily were 29-31 percent less likely to die throughout the trial. The outco...